Python Newbie?

Are you new to the tech world? Do you intend learning python to help you in your journey as a data scientist or a web developer? Then keep on reading this article as I share 5 simple tips to help you navigate through.

  1. You must not be a computer wizard Most people feel that they have no knowledge of computer science or coding and this may affect their learning. No! learning python is not field-specific. The only thing you need is the drive and enthusiasm to learn.
  2. Access to the right learning resources You must be intentional about your learning and get the right resources and courses from websites like Udemy, Coursera, EdX, and others. You can access these resources using mobile devices, laptops, and internet access.
  3. Continuous motivation and guidance You can motivate yourself by giving yourself learning targets. You can also get motivation and guidance from a mentor and by joining peer groups that will help you grow. It is also important to know the best period for your learning and maximize it.
  4. Online assistance It is completely fine to get help online when you are stuck or want to learn new concepts. You can do this by searching on google or watching YouTube videos.
  5. Get a journal The importance of a journal cannot be overemphasized. It is necessary to jot new concepts or idea that you will like to make reference to later. Keep learning and keep growing. As you progress, take up projects to consolidate your knowledge.